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Easter quiz

There isn't a prize, except honour and glory! With the permission of the sender we will publish the name of the winner, and runners up.

eMail us the answers via the link below. We will let you know how many you got correct, and which ones.

 Part A

These questions relate to the five photographs. They are questions A1 to A5. There is not just a simple right and wrong for these, additional (correct) information will win additional points. This will be the tie break if necessary.

 Identify each photograph. Our web site will give the answer to some, but not all, of the photographs. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the picture.


Photo 1


Photo 2


Photo 3


Photo 4


Photo 5


 Part B

The answers to these questions can be found on our web site, a little searching may be required. Google will help with some, but again not all.

These are questions B1 - B10

 1.     A caravan park is mentioned on one of our exhibits, which one?

2.      What is G-HEVE?

3.      Who or what has a bronze glove?

4.      Which family had a seat in Flixton?

5.      Where did Laverne H. Berning come from?

6.      Where did Kirk (James K) Varner go on May 25, 1944?

7.      Which squadron was L4288 serving with when it was lost?

8.      What letter was displayed on the tail of 446th Bomb Group aircraft?

9.      Who opened the Royal Observer Corps 6 Group museum?

10.    What was a K site?

Part C

 Solve the following anagrams, they are all aircraft on display at the museum.

These are questions C1 - C5

 1.      Advil exhales vandine (11,3,5)

2.      Gallstone verjuice (7,7)

3.      Hunker wreath (6,6)

4.      Indwells withdrawn (8,9)

5.      Sticker valvate (7,7)

Send us your answers

Click this link

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