"The Flying Royal Flush"
George P. Hutschenreuter, a 446th ground crew member who visited Flixton Museum
in 2000, told us that whilst serving at Flixton assisting crew chief maintaining
B24J Liberator,42-94936. "Li'l Snooks" with the 707Sqn, he was married to an
English girl by Chaplain John Gannon.
George gave us 5 playing cards in the form of a Royal Flush, that he had
attached under the top right corner of the Fire Extinguisher panel on the port
side of the nose section on "Li'l Snooks" after its first few missions.
After the aircraft had completed 50 missions the cards became dirty and damaged
so were replaced with a new set.

The photograph above shows the cards in position on the plane, and (inset) the
condition of the cards now on display in the 446th Museum, still crimped
together as they were in 1945. "Li'l Snooks" was shot down over the
Strasbourg area on its 88th mission on the 3rd February 1945. The crew
baled out safely, but Pilot 2/Lt. Richard Wann, who was the last to leave fell
behind enemy lines and was captured.