Ken Wallis
Kenneth Horatio Wallis (26.4.1916 –1.9.2013)
I first met Ken in the early ‘90s, through our mutual interest
and respective roles at the Flixton Museum; Ken was President from 1976 and I
became Chairman 10 years ago. In 2000, I suggested I write an article
about his life for the Museum newsletter as there was not much in print at that
time - I naively thought something around 500 to 1,000 words. Our first
lunch chat produced several thousand! Clearly, I wasn’t going to even
scratch the surface at that rate. Also, I soon found it would be quite
confusing to try and produce a chronological record as Ken had involved himself
in so many different projects and interests, sometimes simultaneously.
Each one required some depth with separate exploration and explanation.
Over the next 13 years I enjoyed the privilege of having frequent meetings with
Ken, and scribbled down his views, thoughts, achievements, disappointments and
concerns. He also provided notes on other things he would like included, and
technical explanations.
I had always intended the story to be factual but light-hearted -
rather like Ken in many ways. Certainly it was not going to be an
unauthorised biography, which would try to “dig the dirt” and leave the
reader confused, with little to learn about the true man and his endeavours.
Naturally, not everything we discussed could be put into the book as some
information included “trade secrets” about his autogyro design (nor could I
fully comprehend everything as a non-aero engineer!); plus some personal
issues and observations where identities had to be shielded. I therefore
started out with his firm approval and unselfish help but I had never written a
biography before this. Frankly, it is not an easy task so I do hope I
achieved what I set out to do in the eyes of the readers. Ken regularly
remarked that “it would never have been written without you”. I
always replied that I had the easy bit in writing about his life; he had to live
it! The title “The Lives Of Ken Wallis” amused him but I explained that
with so much going on I honestly felt he had experienced more than one life.
It also disguised my slightly disjointed approach! Whatever the view, at least
much of the information about his life can be found in one place, and he felt
that the last edition, No. 5, was complete.
I last met Ken for a long lunch in May this year. As usual,
he was razor-sharp in his recollections of events during his lifetime and full
of good humour, with some fruity language and a twinkle in his (good) eye.
Admittedly, he was getting frail and his eyesight was deteriorating but I still
felt he had the edge over me when walking to and from the car. He
expressed various concerns about life - his own and in general (particularly our
Armed Forces in the Middle East: “you should never mess about in Mesopotamia”
per Ken) - but he would always make the same comment about his circumstances
“If you can’t take a joke you shouldn’t have joined”. This oft-said
phrase was a reflection upon how his life changed after appearing in the James
Bond film “You Only Live Twice” - despite the strange omission of his
name in the film credits.
Flying “Little Nellie” in that film made him an international
attraction (I hate the modern use of the word celebrity) with all its
pressures, but it certainly helped publicise his autogyro design. From
then on he was in great demand for personal appearances, and travelled the world
promoting the film. In his upstairs study he had a calendar wall-chart
pinned up, with all the engagements marked, including the many visits to his
hangar and home by clubs, institutions and military personnel; there were
usually 200-300 “events” posted every year. He was never critical of the
demands made upon his time, and said that it had been a wonderful life.
The words of the song “My Way” come to my mind!
Before all this, he had enjoyed his RAF flying career, despite
the unbelievable and many life-threatening experiences in Bomber Command during
WWII, for which I believe he was seriously overlooked for at least one DFC for
his pilot skills (and in later life with only an MBE being awarded). After
several years in research and development, examining/testing captured weaponry,
and then sorting out the bombing-up problems with the (then new) Canberra jet
bomber for operational duties as Armaments Officer on squadron, he was
astonished to be told by his superior officer when seeking promotion that there
would be little advancement for him in the post-war RAF as he had spent too long
in “R&D” and needed to spend some time “at the sharp end”. He
declined to comment that he had spent 2 years with the US Strategic Air Command
flying the giant B-36 operationally with an Atom Bomb on board and retired at
47. This did allow him time then to properly develop his autogyro design
with his cousin Geoffrey and, as they say, the rest is history.
I should add at this point that Ken and his cousin also
successfully built a flying replica of the Wallbro Monoplane in the ‘70s; the
original having been built and flown near Cambridge between 1908 and 1910 by
their respective fathers. This presently resides in the Ken Wallis Hall at
Flixton and is much admired by visitors.
Ken’s World Records, his many awards, interest in power boats,
cars, his superb engineering skills and inventions, his “girls” (the autogyros
he built), other pursuits, and the many extraordinary events in his life are
covered in the book (and the abbreviated biography on the Museum websites), so
need not be repeated here, but written words could never project the same
emotions experienced when meeting Ken in the flesh. He had quite an impish
grin, a deep chuckle, a fairly piercing gaze with head slightly bowed. I
think he would have been quite formidable as a “boss” in his younger years and
not likely to have accepted anything but the very best from subordinates.
Ken will be greatly missed by
the Museum members at Flixton. He was a frequent visitor and generous
fundraiser, and a great ambassador. In addition to the numerous
professional institutions who welcomed Ken as a member, and the vast number of
clubs and similar bodies who regarded him with great respect and fondness, many
ordinary people will also feel a loss in one way or another. Even a short
chat with him left the individual feeling that it was something special, and his
warmth made them feel that he would remember them! Ken was
recognised wherever he went. Admirers would soon gather and he would
usually produce a small clipboard from a pocket, to sign and give away
autographed postcards of him flying Little Nellie. I am sure that many a
childless adult has asked for a card to give to their “offspring”.
Ken was inspirational, a great role model, and possessed a rare
old-world charm plus the impeccable manners of his age; all without a hint of
grandeur. I am not alone in thinking that he was probably the grandfather
figure we would all have liked to have had at some time. Norfolk was
Ken’s home from 1963 and I venture to think he was appreciated by such a large
part of its population that he was likely a close second to its most revered
inhabitant: Horatio Nelson.
Goodbye Ken - our local hero and national treasure. Your
likes will not be seen again.
Ian Hancock
Awards and Achievements:
The Alan Marsh Medal –
The Royal Aeronautical Society and The Helicopter
Association of Great Britain
The Seagrave Trophy – The
Royal Automobile Club and The Royal Aeronautical
The Breguet Trophy – The Aero Club de France and
The Royal Aero Club
The Silver Medal – The
Royal Aero Club
The Rose Trophy – The
Helicopter Club of Great Britain
Honorary Fellowship –
Manchester Polytechnic
The Reginald Mitchell
Trophy – Stoke on Trent Association of Engineers
The Rose Trophy – The
Helicopter Club of Great Britain
The Segrave Trophy – The
Royal Automobile Club and The Royal Aeronautical Society
The Salomon Trophy – The
Royal Aero Club
The FAI Gold Rotorcraft
Medal – Federation Aeronautique Internationale
Member of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) – For
Services To Aviation
Honorary Doctorate of
Engineering – University of Birmingham
Honorary Fellowship –
Society of Experimental Test Pilots – For Lifetime
Achievement As An Aeronautical Engineer, Pioneering The
Many Uses Of Autogyros.
Guinness Book of World
Records – The Oldest Aviator To Set A World Record
Special Award – The Air
League – For Record-Breaking Autogyro Developments
Sir Barnes Wallis Medal –
The Guild of Air Pilots & Air Navigators – For
Exceptional Contribution To Aviation Over More Than 50
Honorary Doctorate –
Hofstra University, New York, USA – For Accomplishments
In Aviation.
Pilcher Memorial Lecture
Honorary Fellowship – The
Institute of Transport Administration
Award of Honour – Guild
of Air Pilots & Air Navigators – For Outstanding
Lifetime Achievement And Enduring Contribution To
Silver Cross of St George
– This England magazine.
Royal Aero Club – Cowburn
& Kay – Old And Bold Trophy.
World Records recognised by The Federation Aeronautique
Speed over 3
Distance In Closed Circuit Without Landing
Speed Over
500 Kilometres Closed Circuit
Speed Over
100 Kilometres Closed Circuit
Non-Stop Distance In Straight Line*
Speed Over 15
Speed Over
100 Kilometres Closed Circuit*
Speed Over 3
Speed Over 1,000 Kilometres Closed Circuit*
Speed Over
500 Kilometres Closed Circuit*
Distance In Closed Circuit*
Time To Climb
To 3,000 Metres
Time To Climb To 3,000 Metres*
Speed over 3 Kilometers* (129 mph)
* Ken Wallis still held these absolute World Records
set in both classes of autogyro as at September 2013.
The FAI awarded Diplome de Record in
respect of the 34 World Records set by Ken Wallis in two classes of autogyro:
Class E3 (any autogyro) and Class 3a (autogyro under 500 Kilos in weight).
The copies of diplomas on display number less than 34 because they are sometimes
specific to one Class of autogyro whereas others combine the two Classes within
the one diploma.
A short biography of Wing Commander
Kenneth Horatio Wallis
MBE, DEng(hc), PhD(hc), CEng,
FRAeS, FSETP, FInsTA(hc), RAF (Ret’d).
Ken was born in April
1916 in Ely, and educated at the local Kings School. When only 11, he helped in
his father’s cycle and motorcycle business and built his own motorcycles.
From his teens, he went on to design, build and race powerboats quite
successfully, progressing then to designing and building a range of sports cars.
He also enjoyed shooting competitively and did very well at that. In the
1930s, he took flying lessons and joined the RAF when WWII broke out.
Initially flying the Lysander on Army Cooperation duties with 268 Squadron, he
was transferred to Bomber Command in 1941 and eventually completed 24 missions
over Europe as a pilot of Wellington bombers with 103 Squadron; he then served
in Italy with 37 Squadron. He had several miraculous escapes when his
aircraft suffered severe damage but as a very skilful pilot he always made it
In 1943 he dabbled with sailing and
acquired an old gaff-rigged Cutter, which he re-rigged in the style of a
Bermudan Cutter with new masts and sails. As petrol was rationed for
civilians during the war, Ken converted his father’s Bantam motorbike to
electric power. During much of the late 1940s, Ken revelled in research &
development, examining and testing captured enemy armament with the possibility
of improving and/or adapting the design for UK adoption. He also spent
time experimenting to find the best warhead to “kill” enemy jet engines in
flight such as those powering the German Arado 234 jet bomber; he even adapted a
“Petrel” glider to powered flight by using a modified German jet engine
starter motor.
Nothing ever went to waste, and Ken
constantly found a use for discarded components from British and German
aircraft. In 1942, he had built the world’s first electric slot-car, race
track. The 3-inch long racing cars had self-built electric motors and the
track was on the air-raid black-out boards of his Nissen hut; these cars had
front wheel steering. The next cars were slightly bigger, with motors from
an electro-mechanical navigation and bomb-aiming computer extracted from a
German Arado 234! Many hours of racing fun were spent by Ken with
colleagues over the years to come but it was not until 1956, when about to go to
the U.S., that Ken entrusted a friend to register Patents but this was not
followed up. Scalextric came on the scene in 1957 and has been a fantastic
success for the manufacturer but the design is inferior to Ken’s. His cars
and track still survive in perfect working order.
Also in 1942, Ken had acquired components
from an early 35mm camera which employed 4cm diameter film spools and could feed
un-perforated film giving a larger than standard 35mm format. Rebuilding
it with a new outer body, lens and shutter, plus a coupled split-image
rangefinder proved very useful but he had to tolerate the perforations in the
picture from the bulk strips of the early film then available. He went on
to design a 16mm cine film camera in 1945 with capacity for 100 shots through a
focal plane shutter providing anything from 1,000th
of a second, to time exposures without setting the shutter speed in the
conventional way. It was a true “spy” camera and could be worn as a
wristwatch, being only 21/2 inches long, with stunning definition for
aerial or table-top close-up photography. He used it in the RAF to
investigate airborne bomb “hang-up” problems in aircraft bomb-bays. He
then built a special pin-hole camera and photographed scale models of enemy
aircraft to determine the dispersion of fragments from the exploding warhead of
anti-aircraft weapons.
Later, he examined larger format cameras,
such as hand-held ex-Luftwaffe infinity examples, and adapted them for aerial
photographic roles, including through-the-lens reflex focusing.
In the early 1950s, he occupied armament
roles on different RAF stations, including modifying the bombing-up routine and
equipment for the new Canberra jet bomber to make it “fit for purpose” when
first introduced to the RAF at Binbrook. Ken’s inventive mind also
tackled a number of failing examples of weaponry, such as the 25lb Practice
Bomb, which often failed to explode when intended, and the zeroing device on the
telescopic sniper sight of the Lee Enfield No. 4 Rifle.
In 1956, Ken went on a
2-year exchange posting to the U.S. Strategic Air Command flying
the gigantic Convair RB-36 with an Atom bomb on board during the
Cold War era. During this time he continued to race
powerboats and to exhibit his hand-built and “improved”
Rolls-Royce “Long Dog” touring car to great success all
over the U.S. This latter “task” was on the direct orders
of General Curtis LeMay (then head of the SAC) who was an avid
automobile enthusiast. When in the U.S., Ken had seen the
Bensen B.7 Gyroglider - a similar design to the wartime Hafner
Rotachute - and believed that he could develop a powered version
so had purchased a pair of McCulloch engines for experimentation
back in the UK.
Ken resumed RAF service as
Command Weapons Officer in Fighter Command; in 1961 he was
posted to the Armament Division Aeroplane & Armament
Experimental Establishment as O/C Tactical Weapons Group.
At one point, he was involved in some of the weapons’ testing of
the revolutionary English Electric fighter later known as the
Lightning. Alongside his RAF career, Ken spent spare time
on his autogyro invention and, in 1959, experienced his first
tethered flight. With the cancellation of TSR2 and the
Fairey Rotodyne, Ken was unhappy with the way things were going
in aviation and also saw few prospects in the post-war RAF, so
decided to retire in 1964 and turn all his attention to his
design. Wallis Autogyros Limited was formed with
his cousin Geoffrey and the rest - as they say - is history!
Between 1968 and 2002 Ken set 17 World
Records in two Classes of autogyro - 34 in all - and many are still held by him,
including the speed record of 129 mph. Ken has appeared in several major feature
films and countless television documentaries but his most famous was when
doubling as James Bond in “You Only Live Twice”. Here he flew his
own autogyro design - dubbed “Little Nellie” in the film - and
dramatically dispatched all the enemy helicopters sent up to intercept him by
employing a vast range of authentic weaponry.
Ken’s aircraft (he has 20) have been
adapted and employed for many different investigative roles, including aerial
surveillance and photography, detecting coastal erosion and damaged underground
pipelines, Police/Home Office duties such as searching for buried bodies, also
the Loch Ness “monster” and archaeological sites, panoramic photography, trials
for the Army Air Corps, plus testing the provision of airborne on-line computer
battle imagery to ground stations, and marine deck landings. Ken continues
to protect and reserve his design for what he calls “workhorse” duties and
wishes any commercial production to be achieved for these purposes before
considering sports and leisure activities for his aircraft.
An interest in aviation in the Wallis
family started back in 1908, however, when his father and uncle decided to build
a flying machine at their home in Cambridge. Having visited the Paris
Salon exhibition in 1908, and with only motorcycle construction knowledge, the
aircraft was built using steel tube so was quite unusual and believed to be the
first British aircraft to employ this. The aircraft also had ailerons for
turning so was greatly advanced compared to contemporary designs using the
common wing-warping method. The “Wallbro Monoplane” was completed in 1910
and was first flown on 4th July from a field by the
Teversham/Fulbourn crossroads near Cambridge. A report in the local
newspaper stated that it sailed along for several yards, a few feet off the
ground and at more than 20mph – before dipping and performing a somersault after
the pilot alighted! Other flights occurred but later in the year a storm
demolished the crude hangar where the aircraft was stored and severely damaged

In 1973, Ken and his cousin Geoffrey
decided to create a flying replica, and Ken first flew the aircraft (G-BFIP) in

Ken Wallis at home,just before his
96th birthday in April 2012 - photograph by Ian Hancock
Extracted by Ian Hancock from his biography
“The Lives Of Ken Wallis – Engineer And Aviator
Extraordinaire”. ISBN 978-0-9541239-6-3.
To avoid disappointment, please note that the James Bond
"Little Nellie" autogyro flown by the late Wing Commander Ken
Wallis, and his replica of the 1910 Wallbro Monoplane, were
removed by the Wallis family for Probate
purposes. They are not likely to return, and his collection of
aircraft, lifetime achievements and interests (previously at
Reymerston Hall) will not be coming for display in the Ken
Wallis Hall at Flixton, as were his original intentions.