Aviation Skills days
For Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers

Saturday 10th May 2025
Space for 9 groups
Saturday 11th October
Space for 9 groups
All 9:30 – 16:00
Museum runs a series of days which will cover the requirements of various stages
of the Air Activities Badges. We can cover all of stage 1 (aimed at Beavers),
stage 2 (aimed at Beavers or Cubs), most of Stage 3 (aimed at Cubs or
Scouts) and large parts of stages 4-6 (aimed at Scouts or
Explorers). Groups are welcome to bring Squirrels but we advise that several of
the activities in Stage 1 are aimed at Beaver age children and are rather
advanced for ther younger children.
Attendees will learn about
many aspects of aviation and gain access to several areas normally off limits to
visitors. Museum staff will lead activities based on 30 minute slots, those
taking part will move around those activities in groups of 7-12. Please note
that places are limited and pre-booking is required.
The cost of
this event is £30 for a group of up to 12 youngsters. Following
an eMail booking we will confirm whether space is available. If
we have space we will hold the requested number of groups for
you for two months pending payment. In the event that you are
later unable to attend the event the museum will refund the fee
only if we are able to replace your booking. We regret that we
have to do it this way, but we have had too many late
cancellations causing other groups to miss out and the museum to
run under capacity.
Please note the following
The normal
booking will be from Scout Groups with 7 or more
participants, whilst it is sometimes possible to accept
individual applications this can not be guaranteed
The museum has very few CRB checked staff so it is important that
each group present has a CRB adult and preferably at least two.
Participants will need to bring a packed lunch.
Squash will be provided free of charge. Hot and other cold
drinks as well as cake, biscuits and sweets are available in the NAAFI. Ice
creams are available from the shop.
The museum has a souvenir shop which has items with a wide range
of prices.
The museum is limited as to how many participants it can take on
any day, so please be fairly accurate with your estimates so that we can
accommodate as many as possible.
It may be possible to create groups of
Beavers/Cubs/Scouts from more than one Scout Group.
At the end of the day for Stage 1
and 2 youngsters
will have qualified for the respective badge, the museum do not supply the
badges (if you bring them we are happy to present them if you like).
These events
are usually heavily booked and we have to turn people away
so please be accurate with your numbers to avoid others
missing out.
Each group can
only take part in one stage on the day.
Note that the
museum is also open to the public on these days.

If you would like to take part in one of these days could you please email:
with the following information:
Name of group
Number of Beavers expected
Stage requested
Number of Cubs expected
Stage requested
Number of Scouts expected
Stage requested
Number of
Explorers expected
Stage requested
Number of Leaders/Adults expected
We regret that
it is very difficult to organise special days for individual groups outside this
framework, for which we would need a minimum of 50 visitors.
Essex & Suffolk Children's University
The museum is a registered provider so please bring
your passport along and we will stamp it.