If you are not able to consider being a volunteer, especially if you live beyond a convenient
travelling distance, or would simply like to support the
museum and hear about its progress, then ordinary membership is
for you. The modest annual membership fee gets you the
museum newsletter three times a year, and you would be welcome
to attend the social events.
Members may attend the Annual General Meeting
The museum plans to charge admission at some point in the
future, membership obviously allows free entry as many times
during the year as you wish.
Membership fees are as follows:
Membership type
Annual cost
Those under 18 who wish to join individually
Adult individual
Adults who wish to join individually
A family group of up top two adults and three
children (5-17) from the same household
Currently membership runs from 1st April to 31st March. Those
initially joining after 1st January and before 31st March are
enrolled as members until 31st March the following year.
If you have any queries on membership please email us at or telephone on 01986 896644
Company Membership
Being a Limited Company, regular volunteers can be
recommended by other company members for Company Membership.
This entitles the holder to vote at the company Annual
General Meeting.
This also entitles the holder, if willing, to be nominated to
hold office for a minimum three-year term on the
management committee and become a Trustee of the charity
and director of the company, and therefore
to participate in decision-making on the governance of
the museum and plans for its future.
Becoming a member
To complete both the payment and membership application
electronically online, please follow this link :
Membership renewals
You should receive a renewal reminder from the Museum Shops
web site, if not please contact us as above.